0845 619 1888 info@simec.co.uk

Simec Security complete security and access control upgrades at  the Exeter offices of a FTSE100 client in the finance sector. The Simec Security and IDL engineering teams carried out the installation of three lanes of Fastlane Glasswings and two sets of Dual Intelligates over a single weekend.

The high speed turnstiles provide throughput levels of up to one person per second, while pulsed infra red beams within the Fastlane Glasswings can detect tailgating attempts down to 5mm between users.

Adjacent each set of Glasswings, DDA compliant Dual Intelligates provide access for wheelchair users and deliveries.  The area between each pedestal is monitored by infra red detection beams which checks the number of people entering and direction of travel.  Tailgating attempts are quickly identified and indicated by local alarm sounders.

The site is secured with the Siemens SiPass Integrated access control system with a single Advanced Central Controller (ACC AC5100) providing a localised cardholder database and high speed communications over four FLN busses for the 40 installed cardreaders.  The reception turnstiles have been configured for timed re-entry anti-passback to prevent cards being passed back to colleagues for unauthorised entry to site.

For more information or advice please contact Simec Security